Friday, December 24, 2010
Largest dumpling: Baoding Chefs set world record
BAODING, China--A super dumpling, 1.2 meters long and 0.86 meters wide was made by a restaurant in Baoding, north China's Hebei Province; it weighed 79 kilograms, was made with three bags of flour and 60 grams of dumpling filling - setting the new world record for the Largest dumpling.
Photo: Notaries measure The World's Largest Dumpling made by a restaurant in Baoding, north China's Hebei Province . Photo by Liu Xiangyang, China News Agency.
(enlarge photo)
Moreover, inside the World's Biggest Dumpling there are 2,011 small dumplings. Those small dumplings have different flavors and can feed 100 people at the same time.
The previous Guinness world record for the Largest Bread Dumpling was a 34.95 kg (77.05 lb) heavy 'canaderlo' or 'Knoedel' prepared as a performance act by Francesco Camacho (Colombia) in collaboration with Cinzia Baldo and Andrea Bassetti (both Italy) at the International performance contest, in Trento, Italy.
Guinnness World records also recognized the largest potato dumpling, which weighed 365 kg (804.69 lbs), and was created by Ablig Feinfrost GmbH (Germany) in Jena, Germany.
According to Guinness World Records the largest rice dumpling weighed 1316 kg (2901 lb 4 oz) and was made by Yunlin County Government in association with Taizhong Plaza International Hotel (both Taiwan) in Yunlin, Taiwan.
The Largest Dumpling in the World was made under the supervision of the local notary office and will be registered in the Guinness World Records, too.
The Winter Solstice, which falls around Dec. 22 each year, is an important festival for Chinese people.
The tradition of the Winter Solstice in China has been handed down from 2,500 years ago until now. On this day, people in North China traditionally eat dumplings.
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Friday, December 24, 2010