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   Longest Journey by Car using Alternative Fuel- world record attempt by Cloe Whittaker and Tyson Jerry
 VICTORIA, British Columbia, Canada -- In a world record breaking attempt, Canadians Cloe Whittaker (22) and Tyson Jerry (24) are taking a 45,000 Km road trip in a van powered by the waste oil from French fries.

   Whittaker (Photo) and Jerry will be traveling through every province, state, and territory, and along the way will be stopping at schools to talk about sustainability.

   They will launch their Driven to Sustain adventure on Wednesday October 1 from Mile 0, 9:00am - 11:00am, in Victoria and, if all goes well, roll in to the record books approximately four months later for having made the longest journey by car using alternative fuel.

   The Driven to Sustain campaign includes a free downloadable curriculum for teachers that has been developed by an Ontario schoolteacher with input from the Sierra Club.

   Photo: "This photo is our exact model, and what we hope our van will look like once we install the roof rack, and flood lights."
 (enlarge photo)

   As well as visits to schools, the couple will also be visiting projects and people across North America who have embraced earth-friendly ventures, including sustainable farms, the largest wind farms in the world, and earth homes in New Mexico.

   The Driven to Sustain website will allow visitors to track Whittaker and Jerry's journey. The website will also include video and text blogging in which the pair will share their discoveries and experiences. They also intend to create a documentary from footage gathered during their adventure.

  A full itinerary is available in the media kit section of as is a GPS tracker which will allow visitors to keep tabs on them.
  Friday, October 3, 2008

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