Oldest person: Jiroemon Kimura breaks Guinness world record (VIDEO)
KYOTANGO, Japan -- Jiroemon Kimura, a 115-year-old man who lives in Kyotango City, Kyoto, already the world's oldest man, is now the world's oldest person after Dina Manfredini of Johnston, Iowa died at the age of 115,
according to the World Record Academy: www.worldrecordacademy.com/. Photo: Jiroemon Kimura is now the world's oldest man. Photo: AFP/ Kyotango City
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Jiroemon Kimura beat the previous Guinness World Record for male longevity by a single day, when he turned 115 years, 252 days old.
Guinness World Records also recognized the world record for the oldest man to climb Mount Kilimanjaro, set by Richard Byerley (USA, b. 26 Mar 1927), who reached the summit of Mt Kilimanjaro, Tanzania, aged 84 years 71 days.
Jiroemon Kimura, already the world's oldest man, is now the world's oldest person after Dina Manfredini of Johnston, Iowa died on December 17 at the age of 115.
The previous Guinness world record holder was Dina Manfredini if Iowa, who died Dec. 17 at age 115, two weeks after claiming the longevity record.
Kimura, who spent most of his life as a mail carrier and farmer, was born in 1897 and has 14 children and 13 great-grandchildren, Japan's Kyodo news service said.
His personal motto is 'eat light to live long' and believes the key to his longevity is to be a healthy, small eater.
Living with family in his home in Kyoto, he celebrated his 115th birthday in April last year. He attributes his longevity to sunlight and his efforts to keeping his mind fit.
Born on April 19 in 1897, he would have been six when the Wright brothers flew the first plane ever, already 64-years-old when Yuri Gagarin first flew into space and 93 years old when the World Wide Web came to being.
Guinness World Records also announced that Jiroemon Kiumua of Japan is now the Oldest Man Ever – as well as the Oldest Living Man and the Oldest Living Person – at the age of 115 years, 253 days.