world’s smallest published book
[May 23] Simon
Fraser University’s Nano
Imaging Lab has produced the world’s smallest published book.
The only catch: you’ll need a scanning electron microscope to read

Karen Kavanagh (left) and Li Yang show the title page of Teeny Ted
from Turnip Town, a Success Story by Malcolm Douglas Chaplin, in
SFU’s nano-imaging facility.
0.07 mm X 0.10 mm, Teeny Ted from Turnip Town is a tinier read than
the two smallest books currently cited by the Guinness Book of World
Records: the New Testament of the King James Bible (5 X 5 mm, produced
by MIT in 2001) and Chekhov’s Chameleon (0.9 X 0.9 mm, Palkovic,
2002). By way of comparison, the head of a pin is about 2 mm.
The story, written by Chaplin’s brother Malcolm
Douglas Chaplin, is a fable about Teeny Ted’s victory in the turnip
contest. Signature-edition copies are for sale for a not-so-teeny
$20,000 each, electron microscope not included.
Publisher Robert Chaplin produced the nano-scale
book with the help of SFU scientists Li Yang and Karen Kavanagh.
The team used a focused gallium-ion beam and one of the electron
microscopes at SFU’s nano-imaging facility.
With a minimum diameter of seven nanometers
(a nanometer is about 10 atoms in size) the beam was programmed
to carve the space surrounding each letter of the book. 
The book is made up of 30 micro-tablets,
each carved on a polished piece of single-crystalline silicon, and
has its own International Standard Book Number, ISBN-978-1-894897-17-4.
an image of this very tiny book made of 30 microtablets (Credit:
SFU). These microtablets have been built by professor Karen
Kavanagh and the members of her
lab, using the tools available at the SFU
Nano-Imaging Facility. (click
here to enlarge)
Source (photos and text): Simon
Fraser University (SFU)